Government of Jersey announces 2025 Budget


The Government of Jersey has announced its 2025 Budget, which sets out the financial plan to achieve the priorities recently approved Common Strategic Policy (CSP) and seeks to deliver solutions to the immediate challenges facing Islanders. 

Key highlights of the 2025 Budget

Subject to approval by the States Assembly, this Budget will mean: 

- The construction of the new hospital at Overdale can begin 

- Nursery and childcare provision can be extended 

- A move towards transitioning to a Living Wage for Jersey, with appropriate support for businesses 

- Personal tax allowances will increase and there will be a freeze on alcohol and fuel duty to help Islanders manage cost of living pressures 

The Budget is designed to translate the CSP into actionable initiatives. By aligning financial resources with strategic goals, the Government ensures that the CSP priorities can be delivered. 

As part of the commitment to social equity and economic growth, the Budget introduces support for businesses transitioning to the Living Wage. This initiative aims to improve the standard of living for workers while promoting sustainable business practices. 

A critical focus of the Budget is to ensure there is sufficient funding to deliver good quality services in health care. In parallel, the funding strategy is set out for delivering new hospital facilities on the Overdale site. 

The Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, said: "The 2025 Budget is a commitment to building a secure future for Jersey. By aligning our financial resources with the Common Strategic Policy, we are taking steps to address the most pressing challenges facing our Island."The Government of Jersey's 2025 Budget is a robust plan for the remaining two years of this administration. It provides stability, demonstrates fiscal responsibility and ensures that public funds are used in a targeted and controlled way to the benefit of Islanders."

Treasury Minister, Deputy Elaine Millar, added: "Maintaining sound public finances is paramount. This Budget strikes a balance between necessary investments and fiscal prudence, ensuring we can sustainably support vital services and initiatives that benefit all Islanders."