Winners of 'My Island' Photography Competition announched ahead of Democracy Week 2024


Over 100 'My Island' Photography Competition entries go on display in the Royal Square today ahead of Jersey's fifth annual Democracy Week which starts on Monday 23 September.

The entries were submitted across three age categories; children up 10 years old; young people aged 11-17 and Adults aged 18+. The judges reviewed 20 shortlisted photographs which featured a number of different locations, objects and animals on the theme of 'Local Icons'. The theme was broad and open to artistic interpretation. 

Six-year-old Isaac Toates was the winner in the under 10's category with a picture of one of Jersey's iconic round towers. Lucy Cohu won the young people's category with a photograph of Elizabeth Castle and Kristian Gorman's image of dawn over Mont Orgueil Castle won the adult category. Otto Di Santo, Gary Power and Colin Griffiths were named runners up. 

The panel of judges which selected the winning photographs and runners-up in each category were:

Deputy Carina Alves, Chair of the Political, Education and Awareness Sub-committee.

William Millow, Deputy Greffier at the States Greffe.

Natalie Mayer, professional photographer. 

Deputy Alves, who's sub-committee helps to raise political awareness and engagement with the public, said: 'The judges were very impressed with not only the number of entries, but the quality of the images submitted to the 'My Island' Photography Competition as well. It was so interesting to see the historic landmarks, landscapes, iconic architecture, objects and artefacts people connected with and considered how these images offer more than just beautiful views. 

The images are deliberately on display outside the States Chamber, where the decisions that shape the Island are made, and I hope these photographs will remind Islanders of the democratic society we live in where we all have the power to influence the future of Jersey.' 

As well as seeing their photographs showcased at the Royal Square during Democracy Week, the winners will receive a £100 voucher, and the runners-up will be awarded a £25 voucher. Once Democracy Week has finished for 2024, the photographs will go on display in the States Assembly buildings, where they will be shown for one year.